Vegan Kids Dubai

Vegan Kids Dubai

⭐️Certified Vegan Nutrition Health Coach 🐰Vegan for the animals

Pasta al Norma

Pasta al Norma

Vegan Kids Dubai

Vegan Kids Dubai

Author of recipe

38:30 min

Cooking time

VKD Choco Blocks

VKD Choco Blocks

Vegan Kids Dubai

Vegan Kids Dubai

Author of recipe

25:00 min

Cooking time

Vegan curry with green lentils and coconut cream
Soups & Stews

Vegan curry with green lentils and coconut cream

Aleks Adriann

Aleks Adriann

Author of recipe

01:28:00 hour

Cooking time

Healing Lentil Soup
Soups & Stews

Healing Lentil Soup

Aleks Adriann

Aleks Adriann

Author of recipe

28:00 min

Cooking time

Lentil and Beet Salad

Lentil and Beet Salad

Aleks Adriann

Aleks Adriann

Author of recipe

01:05:00 hour

Cooking time

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